How PORT Reduced Fresh Water Consumption at a Car Wash by 70%

How a car wash used PORT to reduce hydrogen sulfide, TSS and fresh water usage to exceed municipal requirements in four days.
How PORT Reduced Fresh Water Consumption at a Car Wash by 70%


In today’s environmentally-conscious market, the quest for sustainability has led businesses across various industries to seek innovative solutions that reduce their ecological footprint while maintaining, if not improving, their service quality. One remarkable example of such innovation is the use of PORT, a natural water treatment product, in a car wash operation. This case study exemplifies how leveraging microbiology and environmentally-friendly technologies can lead to significant resource conservation, specifically in the reduction of fresh water consumption. Here, we delve into the details of how PORT was instrumental in achieving a 70% reduction in fresh water usage at a car wash by tackling the challenge of high hydrogen sulfide levels in effluent water and enabling the recycling of water with unprecedented efficiency.

Challenge: To provide a systematic application to purify recovered water to acceptable standards for handling by the city wastewater system.

The central obstacle faced by the car wash in our case study was the presence of high levels of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in its effluent water. Hydrogen sulfide, a byproduct of bacterial degradation of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, is notorious not only for its foul odor but also for its corrosive properties. This compound posed a significant challenge, as the car wash effluent was tainted with H2S and failed to meet the stringent quality standards set by the city's wastewater system. The core of the problem was finding a solution that could effectively mitigate the H2S levels, rendering the water safe and clean enough for recycling and eventual discharge into the city's wastewater treatment facilities.

Adding to the complexity was the need for a solution that aligned with the car wash's commitment to sustainability. The method of purifying the recovered water needed to be not just effective but also environmentally responsible. It was imperative that the solution not introduce any harmful chemicals or by-products into the ecosystem, making traditional chemical treatments less desirable.

Moreover, the solution had to be scalable and economical, fitting seamlessly into the car wash's operations without necessitating significant alterations to their existing infrastructure or processes. This set the stage for an innovative approach that could tackle the hydrogen sulfide challenge head-on, turning a problematic waste stream into a resource that could significantly reduce the establishment's reliance on fresh water, thus embodying the principles of sustainability and resource conservation.

Solution: PORT Waste Water Treatment 

PORT Waste Water Treatment 2.5 Gallon Jug

The solution implemented at the car wash was as innovative as it was effective. The application of PORT, a natural water treatment product, was carefully calibrated to address the unique challenges posed by the high levels of hydrogen sulfide. An initial shock treatment of 2.5 gallons of PORT per 5,000 gallons of effluent water was employed. This potent, yet environmentally friendly, intervention marked the beginning of a transformative process.

Following the shock treatment, a regimen of adding two ounces of PORT daily was established. This consistent, low-dosage maintenance approach ensured the continued effectiveness of the water treatment without the need for harsh chemicals or complex machinery. Remarkably, just four days after the initial application, the treated water not only saw the elimination of hydrogen sulfide but also met the rigorous quality standards mandated by the city's wastewater system. This rapid turnaround was a testament to the potency and reliability of PORT in confronting environmental challenges head-on.

By embracing a solution that harnessed the power of natural processes to combat pollution and enhance water quality, the car wash operation not only solved a pressing issue but also took a significant step towards sustainability and resource conservation. Through the strategic application of PORT, what was once a problematic waste stream was transformed into a valuable asset, paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient operation.

Conclusion: PORT exceeded original expectations, tremendously reducing H2S levels and reducing the need for fresh water by over 70%.

It's clear that PORT not only met but significantly surpassed the goals set forth at the beginning of its application. The outstanding decrease in hydrogen sulfide levels marked a pivotal turn in the car wash’s operations, showcasing PORT’s efficacy and its role as a catalyst for sustainable change. This breakthrough paved the way for the successful implementation of a recycled water system, an innovation that has transformed the way the car wash operates on a daily basis.

Remarkably, the transition to using recycled water has not only been seamless but has also enhanced the quality of the car wash service. Vehicles are now leaving the wash bays cleaner, with the added benefit of no water spots, a testament to the purity and quality of the treated water. This significant improvement in service quality underscores the effectiveness of PORT in providing a solution that benefits both the business and its customers.

The daily recycling of water from the recovery tank stands as a monumental achievement in water conservation, reducing the car wash’s dependency on fresh water by over 70 percent. This considerable reduction not only represents a win for the environment but also positions the car wash as a leader in sustainability within the industry. By embracing PORT, the car wash has not only addressed a significant environmental challenge but has also set a new standard for resource efficiency, underscoring the potential of innovative, natural solutions in fostering a more sustainable future.

Learn more and purchase PORT.

About The Author

Mike Usry

Mike Usry

This was written by Mike Usry, the President of Southland Organics. Mike is an entrepreneur and soil enthusiast with a passion for educating on agriscience-based topics to help business owners and homeowners alike grow plants, turf, poultry and more. Mike received his Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Georgia and his MBA from the University of South Florida. The combination of his education and experience has given him a deep understanding of both business and the science behind our products. Mike founded Southland Organics in 2009.

Learn more about Mike Usry

Isabella (Izy) Dobbins

Marketing Manager

This was edited by Isabella (Izy) Dobbins, Southland Organics' Marketing Manager. Izy has devoted her education and career to communicating science-related topics. With an enthusiasm for sharing accurate and honest content relating to science and agriculture, she ensures Southland Organics' publications are as informative as they are interesting. Izy graduated from the University of Georgia with a bachelor's degree in advertising, minors in both Spanish and environmental health science and a Certificate in Sustainability. She has been working at Southland Organics since 2021.

Learn more about Izy Dobbins

Izy Dobbins
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