Feather mites, or Chorioptic mange mites, are a nuisance to horses and their owners. Learn how to eradicate these itchy, harmful pests naturally with an essential oils-based mite spray.
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There is no shortage of criticism for the agriculture industry, and one of the areas that receives the most attention is the interaction between agriculture practices and the environment. It’s time to bridge the gap!
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Imagine walking into your chicken coop on a cool autumn morning, and to your surprise, you find the floor covered with feathers. What if we told you this is completely normal and even healthy? Congratulations, your birds have entered their annual molt.
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When are antibiotics allowed in animal agriculture? What are the rules around their use? What does “raised without antibiotics" really mean on food labels?
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The leaves are changing, and we’re starting to cook soup and chili—that's right, fall is here! That means it's time to start thinking about preparing your coop for the cold winter.
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One thing in lawn care that we don’t talk about enough is the thatch layer. But what is it, really? Why is thatch bad, and what can you do about it? Let’s talk about how to improve your lawn’s health by freeing your grass from thatch with a liquid dethatcher.
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Sustainable. Responsible. Eco-friendly. All-natural. We see these terms slapped on labels all the time. But when companies’ actions don’t stack up to their environmental claims, it’s called greenwashing.
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What comes out of your birds is just as important as what goes in, and it's time for their poop to start getting the attention it deserves.
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Is it possible for personal gardens and local producers to feed us all?
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When it comes to pest control, sometimes it feels like the only options are using potentially harmful chemicals or making friends with the neighborhood creepy crawlies. Desecticide is here to change that.
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