For the initial application, pour the quart down your drain or toilet. After the initial application, pour one 8 ounce bottle down your drain or toilet each month. By the time you run out, another shipment of four bottles will be on its way.
What are septic tank treatments?
Septic tank treatments are substances that can be added to your septic tank to help boost human waste and toilet paper breakdown and prevent clogs. Often times, septic tank treatments don't use beneficial bacteria like PORT does. The natural bacteria in our PORT septic treatment address human waste in septic systems by breaking them down efficiently.
We consider PORT to be one of the best septic tank treatments because it's powered by beneficial bacteria instead of harmful chemicals! This active bacteria works aerobically, so it addresses solid waste buildup to prevent septic backups.
How does PORT work on septic tanks?
PORT is among the best septic tank treatments because it has scientifically selected bacteria cultures that work aerobically to break up solid waste. It also has fulvic acid that breaks down biofilm and keeps sludge layer from building up.
PORT is different from septic tank treatment enzymes like Green Gobbler Septic Saver because it truly eliminates odors. Enzyme-only septic tank treatments can break down waste, but foul odors will typically still be present once your septic tank waste gets into your drain field. PORT truly eliminates odors instead of covering them up, so your septic system can be free of septic backups as well as gross smells.
PORT Doesn't Stop at Your Septic System
With no harmful chemicals, PORT is safe to enter the drain field around your septic tank. PORT won't alter your soil structure or degrade soil content like some other products.
Your drain field might double as your yard—an area where your kids play or pets run around. When you use PORT for your septic system, you don’t have to worry about any chemical additives that may be toxic to you, your family, your pets or wildlife. Plus, the runoff from your septic tank can impact the local groundwater system. By keeping harsh chemicals out of your septic system treatment, you can promote a healthy ecosystem.
PORT not only prevents harmful runoff but also expensive septic repairs. A Pour the PORT subscription costs significantly less than a septic tank repair.
Southland Organics waste management products leverage our three core features to eliminate odors and break down solids and sludge in tanks, vaults and pits.

The added beneficial microbes help decompose waste without harming the environment. This active, aerobic microbiology works against anaerobic bacteria in tanks to clear solids and eliminate odors.

Organic acids and top-quality, organic carbon work to break surface tension in tanks, thus eliminating biofilm buildup. Tanks, vaults and pits can function without getting clogged or developing strong odors.

In terms of waste management, carbon has three main functions. Carbon binds hydrogen sulfide, which eliminates odors caused by decomposing organic matter. Adding carbon to a tank, vault or pit increases the carbon to nitrogen ratio, which speeds up the composting process. Carbon feeds the microorganisms that break down solids, helping them break down faster.
With these three secret ingredients, tanks, vaults and pits can function better, require fewer pumps and resist odor development—all without harming the environment!
Please no! The disinfectant will immediately kill the beneficial microbes in PORT and render them useless. Sure the organic acids might still work, but the product will have lost its effectiveness.
PORT is an acronym for Portable Outdoor Restroom Treatment.