Have you ever received any unsolicited advice from another poultry grower? Or worse- have you been written up by a service tech for something that really makes you say... "huh?!" Allen Reynolds is here to talk about a few of those things in this video.
In honor of April 1st, we want to talk about a few things that poultry farmers get told sometimes that just seem like jokes. And you probably wish they were jokes!
1. Decreased Water Consumption because of Site Tubes
If you notice decreased water consumption in your houses, you may be told that this is because your site tubes aren't clean. Huh?! Well maybe... but check out our blog on Increasing Water Consumption instead.
2. Drivers Spilling Feed is No Big Deal
For many poultry farmers, spilled feed on your gravel seems like a pain in the tail feathers. But didn't you know that the driver does this on purpose? That's right, spilling feed is actually the driver's way of helping you get your flock's weight up. When you clean up the feed from your gravel, surely a few rocks will make their way in. Rocks are heavier than feed, so this will help your birds' weight increase! Be sure to thank your driver for doing you this favor.
3. Use More Foot Pan Powder to Decrease Mortality
If you're experiencing high mortality, you may be told that you need to be sure to use your foot pan powder. Using more powder makes a huge difference in your houses' mortality rate! Go ahead and give those boots a strong coating. Doubling your powder use can definitely be the difference in a mortality of 20 and 500 birds! And while you're at it, just put some of that foot pan powder behind both of your ears too. Just to be safe!
4. Mowing Your Lawn is Necessary
The best way to grow a good bird is by keeping your lawn mowed! Cutting your grass is a one-stop-shop for increased feed conversion and decreased mortality. Nearly any poultry biosecurity issue can be solved with a nice lawn mower.
5. Drivers Swerve Because of Pot Holes
You might be told that drivers swerve all across your property because you have potholes that need to be fixed. But that's not the case- drivers are really just trying to do you another favor! Usually, the grass on your dirt road is bit high. When drivers swerve onto your grass they're really just trying to press down that grass so you don't even need to cut it as often.
Plus, when the truck bounces all around, your feed will get more compacted from being jostled so much. This is great for feed conversion!
We hope we've shed some light on the truth behind a few of these issues you may deal with.