Thank you for requesting more information. We sincerely hope that the information provided will help you understand humates and soil conditioners a bit better. We are striving to provide more and more information each day. We are passionate about sustainable agriculture and increased yield through proper science and environmental stewardship.
Below you will find a brief paper on How Our Products Work. Please review it and let us know what specific questions you may have. We are available to answer as many questions as we can. Should you have a crop specific question feel free to call our office directly - 800.608.3755.
You can read more here about Our Humate Deposit
You can read also read more here about The Biology In Our Deposit
“Humic substances affect soil fertility by making nutrients more readily available to plants. Humic acids also promote plant growth by enabling root penetration in soils. Humic acid also acts in decreasing water evaporation from soils.” USDA Report
“Humic substances, the major components of soil organic matter, are important to agricultural areas such as soil chemistry, biology, and fertility, as well as environmental quality. The multiple parts played by these materials can greatly benefit plant growth. Examples are their contributions in plant growth enhancement, increasing fertilizer efficiency, or reducing soil compaction” USDA Report
Want even more information? Read the full USDA Report